"Vigilant" leads "Istalena", "Aurora" and "Avenger" to the finish of the Astor Cup

With a fresh following breeze the old 1893 America's Cup defender, "Vigilant" (now converted to a yawl) finished first in the sloop class for the Astor Cup of 1908. She is shown heading for the finish line off Brenton Reef. Close astern of "Vigilant" is "Istalena", who is followed by "Aurora" and, partially hidden by "Istalena", "Avenger". A large steam yacht accompanies the yachts to the finish. "Avenger" won on handicap and second was "Istalena".

All the yachts were designed by Nat. Herreshoff.
"Vigilant" was launched in 1893, "Aurora" and "Istalena" to the new 57ft. class in 1907 (rating - actually 85ft LOA) and "Avenger" also in 1907 rating at the bottom of the 57ft. class.
Dimensions30" x 40"
MediaOil on canvas


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